DiPFA Module 2 – Taxation Distance Learning Course
Our DiPFA Taxation Module 2 Distance learning training includes simplified online videos, info graphics, online tools and you can also purchase the materials in hardcopy for an extra cost. In addition you will also get access to our “Mock-Quiz-Expert” multiple choice testing site with over 3,500 questions with detailed answers. Incorporated is email support and “ask a tutor” assistance. Our DiPFA AFA Taxation course forms part of the 6 modular based financial advising qualification and will include units 3 and 4. Our online explainer videos have been created and are delivered by our top tutor who is the undisputed best DiPFA trainer in the UK, with an exceptional pass rate.
Module 2: AFA Taxation (AFAT) will cover direct and indirect taxes, how they are calculated, who is liable for taxation and when taxes are due. The taxation module will explore the current HMRC structure of taxation including domicile and residency, estate planning and how advisers can assist clients in tax planning.